module: jupyter

Jupyter notebook

It is suggested to enter virtual environment before using Jupyter notebook.

Virtual environment

Create virtual environment:

pyvenv venv

Enter virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

When you see (venv) appear in front of your command line prompt, that means the you are in the virtual environment. Always check this prefix to make sure you are working in the right environment. You can use deactive command to exit current virtual environment.

If you want to quit the virtual environment, you can use "Control+C".

Jupyter notebook

Now you can install and enter Jupyter notebook.

Install Jupyter notebook: (you only need to do this once for every virtual environment)

pip3 install jupyter

Run Jupyter notebook as:

jupyter notebook

By default the notebook will be available at http://localhost:8888/tree

Runtime troubleshooting guide

  • Rerun all the cells
  • Restart the kernel
  • Clear the output cells

Install frequently used dependencies

You do not want to install and re-install dependencies every time. It is more convenient to setup a virtual environment and install common dependencies/ modules for data analysis.

You can download this requirement.txt and then run the following command (inside virtual environment)

pip install -r requirements.txt

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