Notes: Week 05

Week 05

Learn to use Jupyter

"cell" and "kernel" to make it more efficient

  • cell

    run cell run step by step run all above to run and check the previous steps of coding.

  • kernel

    kernel is a tool for interactive input and output record all the things you did from the beginning.By clicingrestart, you can give a variable another value.


    step 1 : a=1 you give a a value,which equals to 1. step 2 : clickrestart you clear the value of a, which means a is not defined any more. step 3 : print(a)then you will find that the a is not defined, thus there is an error.



csv is an inside function in python, which is easy to read and write, You don't need to pip install csv in terminal. Just import csv before using it.

  • example:
    with open('NAME.csv','w',newline='') as f:      
    The output will be a NAME.csv, whose contents are following:
  • with open(...) as f means you give f a definition, which stands for opening the file. In the example,f can be changed by any words you like. It just means you rename the step of the opening.

  • open() means open the file. If there is no such file, it will create a new one. If there is a existing one, writer function will clear all the previous content and then write the new content.

  • w means write. By the way, if you want to read the file, you can inputr,representing "read".

  • newline=' ' is one of the certain structure, which is used to avoid blank line.

  • csv.writer() means to write something in the NAME.csv file.

  • writerow() means wirte one row and then another row. The input should be list type.

Writerow vs Writerows: exercise

1. Write "hello" in A1 in the excel table
Try: fail
import csv
with open('NAME.csv','w') as f:   

Try: succeed

you should put it in a list.Every item of the list will be write in a cell of the table.


2. Write 2 rows
  • If you want to write 2 rows:


  • Writerows example 1:


    writerows() means write all the rows in one time. It writes every item of the list into a row. Every item has a row. As 'spam' has 4 characters, or 4 strings, it can't understand the word. Then it is put in 4 columns.

  • Writerow example 2:


    There are 3 items, or 3 lists, in the list. So there will be 3 rows. Every list is a row.

List and dictionary

dictionary1={'title':'teacher', 'date':'2018/2/2'}

  • Some functions may require you input a list. Others may require you input a dictionary.

  • Every dictionary has its key and value. The keys of dictionary1 are 'title' and 'date'. The value of dictionary1 are 'teacher' and '2018/2/2'. Every key has its own value. They are matched.

  • list and dictionary can be very complete.Please understand the structure above.

    Scrape:IMDB (version1)

  • The page's HTML is following. There are many 'contents'

  • r=''
    mymovies=mypage.find_all('div',attrs = {'class':'lister-item-content'})
    Locate the content and name it as 'mymovies'.

  • So every item in 'mymovies' is a movie, which contains its header and rating like following. We need to find the information we want:

  • Next step is to have add these information in to the list.
  • Create an empty list 'movie' in the former step 54. Then add movie.append(mytitle,myrating) in the for loop, which means we add every movie's information into the list.

Scrape:IMDB (version2)

  • Line 1-4 to import the module

  • Line 5-7 to get the text. request.get means get response of the website. BeautifulSoup is a function to understand to HTML content by the tool html.parser.

  • Line 9-10 is to create 2 empty lists, which is a preparation step for Line16.

  • This part is to find the titles of the movie. First, we locate the titles by find_all('h3',attrs = {'class':'lister-item-header').

  • If we don't use for loop, then will only find one 'a' tag, like the following picture.

  • So we need a for loop:

    for title in titles:
    name = title.find('a')
  • In this part, you can use every word you like to substitute 'title', like for x in titles. It is OK, as long as it is easy to understand. It means for every item in the 'titles',which we find in the last step, find 'a' tag ,and assign it to name.

  • append means add something to a list. Every time you find an 'a' tag, define it as 'name'.Then add its text to the list 'list_name'. For loop is to apply this into every item in the 'titles'.

  • Line18-Line21 are the same as the previous part.

  • with open("movie.csv",'w') as f:
      writer = csv.writer(f)

    It means create a csv file called movie.csv.

  • len means the length of the list. For every items in the list, write the content in the format like the following:
    Every item in 'list_name' matches every item in 'list_score'.

Submit homework on Github

  • Remember to create a 'readme' text by ticking the box in the picture.

  • Create folder name homework2 in your desktop, which contains your homework 'csv' and 'py' file, and drag your the folder into the window.

  • Create a file at 'homework2/' to briefly explain the dataset.

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