Notes: Week 04

1. Jupyter notebook

  • 1.As we have downloaded python2 and python3, there are some conflicts to run some programs when we import modules.
  • 2.We can debug step by step.It is convenient when we are writing a complicated coding.

So it is suggested to enter virtual environment before using Jupyter notebook.

Tnstall modules in terminal

pip3 install --user requests
pip3 install --user bs4
pip3 install --user lxml

Start venv

  • Then you will see a page http://localhost:8888/tree. (As long as you are in the virtual environment, you can go to this link to write code.)
  • A directory named 'venv' is on your desktop now. The files you put here can be run in the virtual environment by jupyter.

Tips of usage:

Q1: How to quit the last steps's situation?

A: The answer is in the picture: control+C. ( Pay attention to the text. )Then you will get the following picture.Please input y in 5 seconds.

Q2:How to quit from virtual environment?

A: input deactivate

Tab & type & help & print

There are some useful tips for you.

  • tab If we input the mypage.t, then tab, we will find there are other commands(functions),including tag_name, text and so on.

  • type to check the object. It is very useful when we write complicated codings. eg:


    You will get:

  • help(str.strip) to know the details.

  • print step by step to check where is the error. (In Jupyter, you can just input the variables without the function of print.)

Open a new file

  • shift+return to run the code.

2.Knowledge about HTML

The process of search engines(like Baidu)'s work

  1. Crawl web pages
  2. Store those web pages
  3. Build reverse index,which means making a relationship between the keyword and web page.
  4. Extract page-level features

Html JS css

  • HTML is a machine language of web page. Writing something in HTML means to create a web page.It is a structure of diverse tags. Those tags are in pairs,with open tag and closing tag.
  • css and JS are other languages, which is used to describe the style of the web page,such as the characters' style and colour.

Chrome Develop Console

  • It is suggested to use 'Chrome' as our browser.
  • In Chrome, option+command+i to open the Chrome develop console.
  • Click the upper left corner of the console,and you will find that by moving the mouse in the web, you can see the part in console.
  • eg:


Import modules

import requests
import bs4
import csv
  • requests is a module containing diverse functions relating to the web page.

  • bs4 is the abbreviation of BeautifulSoup4.It is used to analyse web page.

Requests + .text

r = requests.get(''

It can be wrote in one line.

r = requests.get('').text

  • Store the web as r, get means try to get response of that web page.

  • text means to show the text of the web page.


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
mypage = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
  • BeautifulSoup is to extract the web's content. It relies on certain engine to analyse. lxml is one of the engine. By default, it will choose the best engine.

  • Warning is not an error. So no need to worry at this stage.

Find + strip() to get title

h1 class="post__title" itemprop="name headline"> 特朗普父女推特解密</h1

  • Open the console, by moving the mouse you can find title is in <h1........</h1>.(see the above 'html' part.)
myh1 = mypage.find('h1')
mytitle = myh1.text
  • find to find what we want, and output the first item.
  • find_all means output all we find.
  • strip()means delete the meaningless coding.
  • You can help(str.strip) to see the usage of strip.

Get date

<time itemprop="dateCreated" datetime="2017-03-29T....." content="2017-03-29">
mydate = mypage.find('time').text.strip()

Get author (Important)

Try 1:fail

myauthor = mypage.find('span')

  • It is not what we want, as there are too many 'span'.So check how many span there, and find the difference between those tags. command+f to open the search bar in console,and input 'span'.You can see, there are more than 2 'span'.

myspans = mypage.find_all('span')

  • find_all means output all the items it finds.
  • find means only output the first one.

  • 'myspans' is a list. myspans[0]means extract the first one in the list. myspans[1]means extract the second one in the list.

Try 2:succeed to find all the authors

  • In the HTML, we can find that authors upper tag is 'td'. But there are too many td. And it is difficult to be specific.

  • As 'tr' has class, which means more specific than 'td', so try to locate the more upper file: 'tr':



  • There are 5 tr. We have to narrow the area to search the 'span'.

mytr = mypage.find('tr', attrs={'class': 'post__authors'})

  • attrs= attributes. You can add more detailed information about tr, which helps to locate the tr.


<tr class="post__authors">
<span>Li Yiming</span>
<span>Li Yuqiong</span>


[<span>Li Yiming</span>, <span>Li Yuqiong</span>]

Try to output those authors.
authors = []
for myspan in mytr.find_all('span'):
  • Create a new empty list called 'authors'. Then add the information in it.

  • list1.append()means add the item into the list1.

article = {
    'title': mytitle,
    'authors': authors,
    'date': mydate
  • {} is a dictionary.The left of the colon is the key, or name. The right of the colon is the value of the key.
def scrape_one_page(url):
    r = requests.get(url).text
    mypage = BeautifulSoup(r,'lxml')
    mytitle = mypage.find('h1').text.strip()
    mydate = mypage.find('time').text.strip()
    mytr = mypage.find('tr', attrs={'class': 'post__authors'})
    authors = []
    for myspan in mytr.find('span'):
    article = {
        'title': mytitle,
        'authors': authors,
        'date': mydate
    return article
  • Create a function for future.

  • Following is an example of the functionscrape_one_page 's usage: print(scrape_one_page(''))

urls = [

articles= []
for url in urls:
    article= scrape_one_page(url)
  • Input a list of urls. Create an empty list called articles. For every urls' meaningful information, use the scrape_one_page function to extract.Then add those into the articles.

Write .csv

with open('eggs.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer= csv.writer(f)
    for article in articles:
  • We can save those infornation with in different ways. csv is one of the types which can be easily opened and read.

  • with open ('eggs.cdv','w') as f: means create a file called 'eggs.csv'. 'w' is one of the way to open it, which is usually in default. 'as f' means that when we write f, it equals to open the file.

  • csv.writer means edit a csv file.

  • writer.writerow([]) means add information in row. It can be wrote like this s.writerow(['Spam', '1', '2', '3'])

results for ""

    No results matching ""